Tuesday, July 5th
Today we left the town of Gaspé and headed down the Baie De Gaspé (Gaspé Bay), past more high cliffs and waterfalls that have become almost routine lately.
At Pointe Saint-Pierre we turned due South toward Percé (Pierced) Rock, a formation that’s alleged to be one of the most photographed spots in the Americas. A light rain began as we approached, but this did nothing to detract from this amazing block of stone with a large hole pierced right through it. Even without this sight offshore, the red cliffs along this coast are stunning.

Our destination was L’Anse-à-Beaufils, another fishing and tour boat port with floating docks for recreational boats. It’s also the home of Pic Caribou, a local microbrewery.

There’s even a home-made ice-cream shop, (bar laitier, or in English, dairy bar) which is always appreciated by the Cygnus crew.

This is actually early in the season here. The docks were just put in and the water isn’t even hooked up on them yet. We’re one of the few boats in the recreational part of the harbor, and in fact, one of the few recreational boats we’ve seen along this whole coast. We’ve seen lots of campers on the roads and in parks along the way though. The Gaspé loop would be a good one to do by car (or motorcycle, or motor-home, or whatever you prefer.)
- Miles traveled: 1181
- Engine Hours: 169.2